Sunday, April 15, 2007

My Secret Foot Masseuse

I’m about to share with you the greatest secret to taking care of your feet – I call it my personal foot masseuse.

When I was in the Army, they always made a point of telling us to take care of your feet.

“Always take care of your feet,” they would tell us on long marches and hikes through the brush. “If you lose your feet, you’re a goner.”
When you are a foot soldier, your feet are your black Cadillacs – that’s what we call ‘em – black Cadillacs. They are so called these, because we all wear black combat boots.

And it is true, if you lose your feet out in the field, you might as well have been shot in the head. If you can’t out think your enemy, at least you can out run your enemy – unless you have foot rot. Then you are in deep trouble.

So, what is my secret to taking care of my feet?

It is pretty simple – just put the plug in the tub while showering and let the water build up around your feet and ankles. The warm soapy water cleans the feet, and the heat from the water soothes even the toughest of toes.

I learned this in the Army, but ironically, not while I was on duty. When I was off-duty on leave for Xmas vacation, I was staying in a hotel near my family. The bath tub in my hotel room at first didn’t drain properly – all the water would build up as if it were plugged up. They later came and fixed it, but I wanted a shower right away – traveling for several hours by train makes you want to just dive into any pool of water to get refreshed.

So, as I showered, the water pooled by my feet, eventually overcoming them and giving them a deep foot massage and bath – all in one! When I came out of the shower, my feet were probably the most relaxed part of me.

Since then, whenever I’m really tense, or have sore feet from being on them all day, I just plug the tub while showering. Works every time.

They teach you plenty in the Army, but sometimes the best things come out of pure chance discoveries. Like my personal foot masseuse.

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