Thursday, April 05, 2007

Budgeting Blues and the Dinkuses Behind ‘Em

Those who follow this blog regularly know I’m pretty happy with my current gig. They have shown an outstandingly amount of good will, caring, compassion and wisdom with us low employees.

They have thrown expensive dances at exclusive executive clubs, have fun days organized by the social committee, even toss in exceptional leaders to run the joint – or so I thought.

My manager is exceptional and my team second to none. We have an amazingly strong work ethic, we get along like family, and we are all knowledgeable in our areas of specialization. We are an amazing team – probably one of the better teams I’ve been a part of in all my working life.

BUT – unfortunately, just as you sink into something good, reality has an awful way of rearing it’s ugly head. Not all the teams are quite as well led or staffed.

We just got word today that the marketing team has over spent their budget – again. Last year, the marketing team over-spent their budget by $500, 000 – that’s half-a-million big ones!

This year, the marketing team has apparently blown their entire budget for the year, in under four-months! They have spent an entire year’s worth of funds in the first quarter of operations!

Now, you’d think a well managed company would take some sort of action to prevent this pattern of fiscal mismanagement to stop it dead. Nope, no action against the offender was taken – she even got a bonus last year for a job “well done!”

The exact same manager who blew the half-million last year is the exact same manager who blew her entire budget – and then some (she actually over-spent this year) in under four-months!

I’ve worked at some pretty big name companies and if a manager or anyone with monetary responsibilities for that matter – blew it all so quickly, there would be no questions asked – that person would be let go immediately. They probably would even be sued for misappropriation of funds, harm, and a bunch of other things which company’s have the ability to sue their former employees for when they jeopardize the operations of the regular course of business, the credibility of the management team and the financial credit records of the corporation as a whole.

None of that has happened here. And it doesn’t look like it will happen either. The manager is still in charge of her team, and worse – still spending money she doesn’t have.

In fact, the really bad news in all of this is my team’s budget has been slashed by one-third to pay for marketing’s misuse of funds. We had a budget approved for specific things – all of which are important to the proper continuous operations of the business. We were doing our jobs, within our budgets and then all of a sudden, because marketing got away with breaking their budget last year, they did it all over again this year – taking away our operational funding which we were well within.

Life isn’t fair – but when you let the monkeys run the shop, you end up with bunches of bananas instead of useful, profitable, business operations.

My question – why is our vice-president or worse, why is the president allowing this monkey to run the marketing shop?

Do they really want to turn a company which has been in business since the 1960’s into a banana republic? Do they care so little about the daily operations, they are willing to let major wrong doings go unpunished?

I know they probably have bigger things to worry about – like next year when marketing spends so much, they don’t have the funds to cover it.

Oh wait, that hasn’t happened – yet.

But it will, if the monkeys continue to run the shop.

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