Thursday, June 14, 2007

Working Lunch

I’m the envy of my co-workers. I have the best lunches.

When I was a kid in school, we’d often swap bits and pieces from our lunches. I’ll give you my peanut butter and jam for your ham and cheese. . .

At work, there is no swapping, but lots of ogling as I do have among the best lunches at the office.

I take the time the night before to make myself something scrumptious – so that I don’t end up like most of my co-workers. Most of my co-workers wait until the last minute to make their lunches, so they often do it the morning the day of while rushing around to do everything else in the morning.

This rush routine leaves ‘em with lackluster lunches. Things like sandwiches, instant soup, or worse – the dreaded television dinner.

Not me!

I make home cooked meals every day for lunch. Today I tossed on a burger on the BBQ for tomorrow’s lunch (I made myself steak for dinner). Sometimes I make my self chicken and rice, sometimes I’ll make a stir-fry, other times I’ll make pork chops. I always have something nice for lunch at the office. It is nice because it is home made.

Making your own food gives you a certain sense of pride and accomplishment. The “I made this” feeling flows through you, as your co-workers with their TV dinners and boring sandwiches go “wow – what’s that?” “Did you make that?”

Yes I did. I not only made it, I get to enjoy it too. Which is all the better. And it is healthier too, because I know what I use in my cooking. I know what seasonings, spices and that there are no chemicals, preservatives or other substances which most likely are in those skanky TV dinners.

“Mechanically separated chicken?” What the hell is that? Isn’t that the part of the chicken that was even unfit for livestock?

Cooking is also a great stress reliever for me. And if you read my blogs, you know my work generates a lot of stress. There is something very relaxing and soothing about cooking.

And because BBQing is so involved – you have to watch the thing the whole time to ensure nothing catches fire – it is all the more relaxing.

Tomorrow, I have BBQed burger and rice for lunch. What’s in your lunchbox?


  1. Mmm....sounds tasty. Will you marry me? Oh wait, I'm already married. Sigh.

  2. No, Jordan. I'm trying not to multiply, remember?

