Monday, June 25, 2007

Weekend Rush

What are weekends for?

Some sit back and lazily slouch around doing nothing. Others like to be so busy, they are constantly rushing from one event to the next.

I like a little of both.

The past few weekends have been extremely busy ones, with family and friends. I always do household chores on the weekend and whatever else happens is always tacked on top of those.

This past weekend is a good example. I spent most of Saturday shopping for items for a BBQ I was hosting in the evening. I went to the gym first, then ran around town getting burgers, sausages, salads, deserts and other cool things. I enjoy shopping and I enjoy having company over for a BBQ. But it was a rushed day.

Sunday I cleaned up from Saturday, plus I did my usual household chores – cleaning and laundry. Then I had to go get a present for a birthday dinner I had that night. Then the party at night. More rushing – though the time was enjoyable.

I haven’t had a lazy, do nothing weekend in quite some time. So I’m looking forward to the Canada Day long weekend to be able to just take it easy. No running from one thing to another. No shopping, cleaning or laundry. No bathing, shaving or nothing – just hanging around home.

The property management opens up the pool July 1 weekend – and I’m looking forward to spending a long, lazy day at the pool. Just swimming, floating (so long as it isn’t face down it’s okay) and soaking up some Cancer-causing UV.

I think I’ll even take a break from the dreaded computer. Computers are great – but once you get on their “just to check email” the next thing you know, it’s been over an hour and you’re still chatting, doing work, or something or other caused by “just checking email.”

Maybe I’ll even get a chance to catch up on some movies I’ve been meaning to see on the Movie Network. I wonder if I can get a cable long enough to go from my high-rise pad to the pool?

Probably not!

But hey, if at first you don’t succeed, give up knowing that you at least tried. So says Homer Simpson.

Yeppers – nothing to do next weekend. And I plan on doing nothing about it.

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