Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Nuttier Than Ever Net

I originally started this blog on Myspace, and moved it over to Blogger because Myspace sucks. It really does – most people that have the time to really participate in the online community, have no lives.

I remember when I was on Myspace, there were a few people that would change their comment to indicate everything – EVERYTHING – they were doing. “Eating Dinner, Available for Chat” “Taking the Kids to Soccer, Back Soon” “Gone to the Bathroom, Be Right Back.”

Sheesh – I don’t want everyone online to know when I’m taking a crap.

I’ve noticed a few people on MSN are like this too – the second they “do” something, they have to tell the world. Makes me wonder if they actually are doing what they claim, or they just changed it to pretend they have a life.

If you’re going to the bathroom, just go already!

The latest trend isn’t Myspace – it is Facebook.

So many people I know now have a Facebook account it is sickening. Facebook is just another online world of nut balls with no lives.

I bet there are people on Facebook that publish everything they are supposedly doing too.

“Gone to the bar, back soon.”

“Back from the bar.”

Yeah, right. If I went to a bar, the last place I’d be afterwards would be online. I’d probably be too tired or too drunk, or both, to bother reading my computer screen.

I spend way too much time on my computer. When I’m working, I sit in front of a computer all day. When I come home, I often check my emails and look things up.

But I control my use of the computer. I limit my “life” online so that my real life in the real world takes priority.

I don’t tell everyone what I’m doing. I don’t change my MSN comment to indicate what I have done, will be doing, or anything else.

I’m too busy living in the real world for that bull.

And that is sadly what the online world has become – a lot of bull.

Anyone can say or do anything online. So the geeks, losers, psychologically unbalanced predators, and other low-life’s can appear to have normal, healthy social lives online.

Think about it – if you’re so busy living in the real world, why would you even bother telling everyone else online about your activities?

People who change their online comment every time they do something aren’t living in the real world. They THINK they are, and that is even scarier.

When the real world blends so closely with the fictitious anything goes Internet world, those geeks, losers and psychologically unbalanced predators become even more of a threat to society. They can’t separate real from online, and soon they can draw others into their online realms and wreak havoc with the real lives of those living in the real world.

Online communities such as Myspace and Facebook have a good intent and they are based on a technology over twenty-years old. Bulletin Board Systems or BBSes – back in the 1980’s allowed people from all over to share their thoughts and ideas.

But BBSes were moderated. There were specific discussion groups where people could share ideas about specific things. And they were dial-up – so most people read and responded to messages offline, or for a short period of time. They didn’t spend every waking hour online going through the message boards.

These days, as almost everyone has a high-speed connection to the online world, people who don’t have lives create their lives online. They literally eat, sleep and “live” their lives in front of a computer screen.

They probably don’t do half the things they claim they are doing. But they “think” they did these things – so much so they can tell you vivid details, describing what it was like.

I think these online communities need to be better moderated, and time limits on user accounts be initiated. Otherwise, we’ll all end up mindless zombies, living in front of a computer screen and monitor.

And that’s not living at all.

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