Monday, February 12, 2007

The Self-Healing Power of Creativity

Self-help books fill bookstores shelves and people buy ‘em like crazy. But there is nothing more healing to yourself, than creativity.

I’m a very creative person – I’m oozing creativity right now.

Whoops! Sorry – let me get you a towel.

Before, during and after I invent something – be it a new fangled way of saying something, a stunning layout, an interactive website, or even just hanging pictures up in my home – I’m always buzzing with energy and satisfaction.

Being creative – for me at least – really makes me feel amazing.

It is even better than chicken soup, and you don’t burn your tongue or nothing!

I think the solution to our own problems doesn’t lie in the pages of some self-help book – it lies within our own inventive minds.

Some people bake to release creative juices. Others paint, dance, build something out of Lego blocks – whatever. Do whatever you can do to be creative. You’ll feel better quickly, and there are no side effects.

American television stations are full of ads about ‘miracle drugs.’ While watching the American channels, I see ad after ad of drugs for everything from painkillers, headache roll-on stoppers, sleeping pills, waking pills, weight loss pills, sexual function – I’m surprised they don’t have a pill that will clean my apartment and pay my bills.

Medications do amazing things – they cure illness, prevent illness, and relieve pain. But they also often have many bad after-affects. Things like blurred vision, slurred speech, constipation, diarrhea, drowsiness, heart attacks, liver failure, kidney failure, trouble breathing, trouble sleeping, trouble waking – drugs are nothing but trouble.

Being creative has no ill side-affects. I’ve never heard of anyone being unable to see after cooking a great meal. No one has ever died because they had a great idea.

Sure Jordan – easy for you to say, you’re a ‘riter-type of creative person.

Yes I am – but that doesn’t mean you have to be able to string sentences together to be creative. Mathematicians are creative, just in a different way.

There’s the whole left-brain/right-brain theory. Says one side of our brains is for logical problem solving, while the other is our cognitive creative ability to imagine and invent. According to this theory, although we all have a little of both of the logical and the creative side, one side is more dominant than the other.
This is why some of us are great at math, while some of us suck at math.

I suck when it comes to math. Number crunching isn’t my thing – I’m calculator dependent even for the most basic of math problems.

But I’m an exceptional communicator. I can invent ideas instantly.

So, I’m more of the creative-side of the brain, than the logical side.

But this doesn’t mean those good in math and other like-minded logical-brain-sided people can’t be creative.

Mathematicians are creative – just in a different way. Oh wait – I believe I said that already.


We all have it within ourselves to be creative, just in different ways.

So go out there and be creative, in your own way.

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