On this day, we remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom – our men and women serving in the armies, the navies, the air forces and other military organizations of our countries.
We think about loved ones too – currently serving, often far from home, and under fire from hostile forces.
Image by Shreyans is in India via Flickr
We remember images of fallen soldiers. The caskets covered in our country’s flag slowly marched off planes by their war-torn buddies, their bunk mates, their friends. We remember watching as the family is in tears on the tarmac, witnessing with disbelief,
Image via Wikipedia
As the fighter jets rocket through the sky in the “missing man” formation, we remember the fireworks of tracer bullets, bomb blasts, and burning debris captured on television from the battle grounds our soldiers are in today, have been in the past, and may be in again in the future.
Many will remember serving in these battle grounds, the sights, sounds and smells so vividly etched into their memories, it is almost like being there all over again.
Image via Wikipedia
Many more will remember the last time they saw their son, their daughter, their husband, their wife or their mother – before being taken away to serve in another country for months on end.
For some, that last memory of their son, their daughter, their husband, their wife, or their mother was the very last time they saw them alive.
Remembrance Day means very different things to us all.
For some it is a very personal day, hitting at our heartstrings of someone special who once was here, and now is not.
Others are luckier to be further removed from the horrors which keep us safe, and fondly remember talking to that sweet old man in uniform, listening intently as he told an exciting story about how he escaped from behind enemy lines.
For that sweet old man, the story covers a hidden wound – the loss of his f
Image via Wikipedia
Still others in different parts of the globe use this day to celebrate their freedom, remembering when a sliver of light through the crack in the door suddenly flooded the room, as a team of soldiers burst in, to rescue innocent civilians captured as prisoners of war.
Many will not use this day to remember soldiers abroad, but right here at home – such as when they brought in food, blankets and medical supplies to victi
Image by wallyg via Flickr
You may remember when a soldier handed you a cute teddy bear, gave you a piece of chewing gum and ruffled your hair, as the United Nations Special Task Force helped move a children’s hospital out of harm’s way in the former Czech Republic.
However you remember Remembrance Day, the fact that you are is what really matters.
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