Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Any Schmoe Can Vote

We’re in the midst of a municipal election here in Toronto, and politicians – as always – make their never-to-happen election promises.

Though one of the latest election promises has got my nerves in a tizzy.

Toronto mayor David Miller says if he’s elected, he’ll reform the election act so that landed immigrants can vote. Currently, only Canadian citizens can vote.

Toronto is one of the most multicultural cities in the world. We enjoy the benefits of having the best of many worlds.

But allowing people who aren’t citizens to vote, is wrong. It sends the wrong message to potential candidates – those running and those who may one day contemplate running – for office.

As you have to be a citizen to vote, guess what – you have to be a citizen to hold office. You can’t be prime minister, premier or even mayor, unless you are a full-blown Canadian citizen.

But, if you allow landed immigrants the right to vote, yeah – you got it – we’d end up a country run by someone elses’ agenda. No nation on earth currently allows someone to rule, unless that person holds citizenship in said land. These days, when someone takes the controls and they don’t have citizenship, we call that war.

I’m not saying that landed immigrants – or any immigrants – are bad. But if an immigrant wants to be ruler of our great land, I think they should show some interest in it first. Apply to become a citizen, and, if you are so honored, then – and only then – may you run for prime minister, premier or mayor.

Hey, if I had to learn who was Canada’s first prime minister in high school (Sir John A. MacDonald), I think it is only fair that someone with the hopes and dreams to one day vote, and maybe even run this place, know who was first in those very hard to fill shoes.

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